Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday, August 10, 2024

On Saturday morning, Chase had an appointment to get his hair cut. Later in the day, Chase's ICS team played baseball, and his team won third place and got medals. Once again, Chase got to play the whole game because there were only nine players there. Chase and Mama had McDonald's for dinner but unfortunately, Chase threw up in the evening so that meant no playing baseball on Sunday. It was supposed to be his first game with the Bears, and he was going to find out who was on his team but he didn't get to play on Sunday. Mama said he seemed fine all day but Daddy thought he was moving slow. Nanaw came over to visit in the evening after getting back from the little house. Mama and Daddy were outside watching the baseball game with a fire in the firepit. Nanaw visited with them for a while, then went downstairs to see Chase. He was playing VR with someone and laughing and talking a lot. He seemed to be having a lot of fun but Nanaw worries about him playing with strangers. 

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