Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday, August 26, 2024

On Monday morning, Chase and Nanaw did some final studying for today's English quiz and geography quiz. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her that he had gotten an 83 on Friday's math quiz. Nanaw was surprised because from the studying they did, Chase had known the math well, and he said he thought he had done well on the quiz. He said that he got such a low grade because he hadn't shown his work, and the teacher took off for that. Chase and Nanaw went through the quiz. The teacher gave two examples of how Chase should have shown his work. She also said his work was sloppy (the first teacher to do so) and that he tried to squeeze his work into the small spaces by the problems. It turned out that Chase only missed one problem on the quiz so if he'd shown all of his work and not been so sloppy, he would have gotten a 97 on the quiz. (He also missed the bonus problem but that didn’t affect his grade.) Nanaw told Chase that from now on, he should use a piece of loose-leaf to do the problems and show his work. She said he had to do his best writing and make sure he pressed down hard enough on the pencil to make the writing readable. Chase has a math test Thursday (Homework Central says Wednesday but Chase says that's wrong.), and Nanaw is going to have him practice showing his work and writing legibly on the study guide and the chapter test and not being sloppy. Mama, Daddy and Nanaw have been telling him about his sloppy work for years without it doing any good. From now on, he'll have to redo any homework that's sloppy. He and Daddy went through the math quiz tonight. Mama said Chase's friends came by in the early evening and hung out at Chase's house for a bit.

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