Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

On Wednesday morning, Mama took Chase to the orthodontist to get his braces put on. Mama sent pictures to Nanaw of Chase at the ortho and of the braces. Mama says he has blue rubber bands, his favorite color, and that it took longer than she expected for them to put the braces on. They also got to see dental Theresa, who was there getting braces for her son Max. During the day, Chase texted Mama to tell her that something had broken off the braces and that they really hurt. Mama had given him Tylenol in the morning, and she told Nanaw to give him more when she picked him up from school. A disappointing thing happened when Nanaw looked at FACTS and saw that Chase had gotten a 51 on a geography pop quiz. Chase hadn't known his score and didn't know why his grade was so bad. Mama and Nanaw both made the decision not to be upset about Chase's grades and not to worry about them. He has a science test tomorrow that he studied for; he also did a history assignment about the Articles of Confederation, and a geography review paper. In the evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Marie's for ice cream -- Chase's back-to-school ice cream, two weeks after school started. Chase had Superman ice cream, Mama and Daddy had some kind of chocolate ice cream, and Nanaw had a hot fudge sundae.

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