Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Chase was supposed to have an ICS baseball game this afternoon but when Mama dropped Chase off on Tuesday morning, she said it might be cancelled because of the hot weather. In the afternoon, when Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he asked if she'd heard anything from Mama about the game. Nanaw said no, but that the weather was unbearable so hopefully it would be cancelled. When they called Mama for the pickup call, she said the game was cancelled and that she was so busy she didn't have time to text but knew she'd be talking to them on the pickup call. Chase has a math test tomorrow, and it's a big deal. He did the assignments for the test but when Nanaw looked at his work, it was not readable. His writing was too light to read and he hadn't done his best writing. He only missed one problem out of 26 problems so he knows the work. But the teacher will take off points again because of his writing and what she calls ordered writing.. So Nanaw had him do half a page of the problems, and it was really well-done. His printing was dark and easily read; he did a better job forming his letters; he showed his work, and things seemed ordered and organized. Nanaw told Chase to do the practice Chapter test tonight and to do his absolute best writing. Nanaw won't see Chase in the morning  because he has an orthodontist appointment, and Mama is taking him to school.

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