Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Chase had McNuggets and fry-fries for lunch today – his favorite – and he dipped both of them in ranch dressing. He also drank his orange drink out of a cup with a straw – very grown-up! Mama and Daddy went to a Billikens basketball game with Aunt Becca, Uncle Stan, Uncle Will-Bill, Uncle Chris and Cessie and Uncle Chuck, so Nanaw got to babysit with Chase. Chase took a long nap, then he and Nanaw watched his "Spot’s First Day of School" DVD three times, and Chase really seemed to like it. Chase spent a lot of time coloring in the afternoon and managed to get crayon all over Tee-Tee. Nanaw panicked but was able to clean him up so he was once again presentable. Mama came to pick up Chase, and before they left, Mama, Chase and Nanaw did Ring Around the Rosey several times, and Chase seems to love the falling down part.

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