Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday afternoon, Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky came to visit Nanaw and prune her grapevines and work on the drains. Chase and Mama came to see them, and Chase got his tools and helped Uncle Mike work on the drains -- it was very cute. For the first time ever that Nanaw saw, Chase picked up his tools and put them away. On Saturday evening, Nanaw babysat with Chase while Mama and Daddy went to the Billikens basketball game with Aunt Becca, Uncle Stan and Uncle Will-Bill. It had started to snow and Chase was still napping, so Nanaw came over to Chase's house. When Chase woke up, they went to Nanaw's house, where Chase played out in the snow and had a grand time. Chase had popcorn chicken and peas for dinner and did a good job of cleaning his plate. In the evening, Chase and Nanaw played in his room and in the living room, where they watched Paw Patrol. Chase also played on Mama and Daddy's bed with Mama's R2D2s. It was a very fun evening.


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