Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Chase and Nanaw's Tuesday adventure was a trip to the Magic House. But first they went to Chase's house so he could get his medicine. Nanaw also picked up his garage from downstairs -- they're going to borrow it for the car center in Nanaw's summer camp. Also, Chase and Nanaw got to see Mama's Cardinal bird painting that she made at dinner on Monday night. They both liked it a lot. At the Train House, Miss Linda was very happy to see Chase and Nanaw. Chase and Nanaw each did the craft -- an Easter Bunny book -- very cute. They played with all of Chase's favorites: building a train track, playing with the mega blocks and magnet blocks, plus a lot of the puzzle. Miss Linda had about eight stuffed baby bunnies on the quilt, and Chase was excited about them -- they came from Dollar Tree, just like the bunnies Chase has from there. After the Magic House, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play school and start getting things ready for summer camp. Nanaw convinced Chase to take a night-night nap by telling him he could have a Popsicle when he woke up. So the first thing he said when he woke was "What about my Popsicle?" While he was eating his Popsicle, Chase and Nanaw watched YouTube videos about drawing a dog and a penguin and a narwhal. Nanaw drew and Chase watched. Lots of fun. After she took Chase home, Nanaw went to Walmart and bought the last Trolls Playdough for Chase for Easter.



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