Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

On Wednesday, Chase forgot to do his AR reading, so he's going to do 45 minutes on Thursday and 45 minutes on Friday. Mama texted Chase that blues player David Perron was going to Detroit, and both of them were very unhappy about that. Chase and Nanaw had a very good day at school. First, they did long division problems, and Nanaw did the problems with Chase. That seems to work very well. He works much more quickly and seems to like competing with Nanaw. Other schoolwork included: multiplication flash cards, state capitals, Xplor science magazine, one worksheet on reorganizing sentences in a paragraph, writing six sentences using its and it's correctly, learning the steps to do a science experiment, and reading a page about various habitats, then answering a series of questions about habitats. In the evening, Chase, Mama and Daddy went to Herbeck's farm for the last practice and get-together of Chase's baseball team. Unfortunately, there won't be enough players for a team next year, so the remaining players are going to do tryouts to find another team to play on. Chase has a tryout tomorrow evening for the Saints team. This is the team Chase really wants to play on. Hopefully, he and his friends will make the team.

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