Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Chase got a jeans day today because his Mama went to the Parents and Friends meeting on Monday night. Before school, he played with TeeTee and the train display on Nanaw's coffee table. On the walk into the school building, Chase was fascinated by the gumballs all over the sidewalk. He insisted on stepping on so it was really slow-going into the school. Chase and Nanaw almost got locked out by the lady who was locking the door but she let them in -- yay! Unfortunately, Nanaw had a health issue today and had to go to the emergency room. Mama came to stay with her, and Daddy left work so he could pick Chase up from school. He said Chase was confused and then excited to see him. Fortunately, Nana is fine and got to go home in the afternoon. In the morning, Sidney Crosby the Cat moved the tree skirt from under the Christmas tree so Nanaw took pictures to send to Mama because she was sure Sidney would make a mess, and he did. The first picture below is of Chase at school on Wednesday that Mrs. Herrmann posted on Seesaw.

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