Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday, October 25, 2019

Chase had the day off school on Friday, and Nanaw planned a special adventure for him: spending the day out at the little house and trying to go to the pumpkin bounce house on Hwy 47. Unfortunately, the bounce house place didn't seem to be open. No cars or people were there when Chase and Nanaw stopped, and Chase didn't want to go in, both on the way and the way back. First, Chase and Nanaw stopped at the Washington Walmart, where Nanaw bought Chase a ukulele. Then they stopped at Dollar Tree in Marthasville, where Nanaw bought Chase a fire truck, a police car and a kazoo. At the little house, Chase played with the ukulele and his big basket of little cars. He also played on the laptop. On the way back home, Chase told Nanaw that it was a fun day. That made her so happy. In the evening, Chase, Mama, and Daddy went to Eckert's with Daddy's cousins and their families. Daddy had to work late so Aunt Becca took Mama and Chase, and Daddy met them there. Nanaw was sure Chase would have a wonderful time playing with his cousin Elias. The last picture is Elias tying Chase's shoe -- very sweet and very cute.

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