Monday, February 17, 2020

Monday, February 17, 2020

Today was Presidents' Day, and Chase was off from school, and Mama and Daddy had the day off from work. In the afternoon, Mama texted Nanaw saying Chase had asked her about 10 times when Nanaw was coming to visit. So Nanaw went to visit Chase and Mama about 2:30. Mama said she and Chase worked on his George Washington poster again today, and they got it all finished. Mama did the research and organization, and Chase did all the writing and drawing. Nanaw had a wonderful time reading the poster and looking at the pictures. Mama found a really good picture of George Washington to put on the poster. Chase drew pictures for the poster: Mount Vernon where George Washington lived; a childhood picture of George doing math; and a picture of George in a boat crossing the Delaware. Mama also had Chase say his parts in the play for Nanaw. Nanaw enjoyed all of it, and she was so proud of the great job Mama and Chase did. After the George Washington poster presentation, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs and played hockey. Mama came downstairs also; she was putting her CDs away -- they were in the man cave while the renovation of the blue room was going on. She was putting them back in the CD shelves in the blue room. They all went back upstairs and watched a soccer game in the living room for awhile. Nanaw was going o drop some things off at Goodwill and Mama gave her some things to take for her.

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