Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

When Nanaw took Chase to school, Lizzie came up to her to show her the boot she had on her foot. She said she had a bump on the back of her foot the size of a nickel. Nanaw told Lizzie she hoped she got better soon. Nanaw also got her hug from Maria. Mama told Nanaw she bought a George Washington costume for Chase from Amazon for the Heritage play next week on Februray 19. The first picture below is from Amazon of the costume. Chase was very excited when Nanaw picked him up after school because he was the first one Mrs. Meyer let go. He was also first yesterday. He said he wants to be first everyday and that Nanaw had to be sure to be there early so he'd be able to be the first one released. He also carried his backpack instead of giving it to Nanaw to carry because he had his heavy book in the backpack. Later, when they were talking to Mama on the phone, he told Mama he carried the book because it was too heavy for Nanaw, and he didn't want her to fall and hurt herself. He's such a sweet boy. When they got to Nanaw's house, Nanaw noticed that he had a sparkly red heart on his shirt. She asked where it came from, and Chase said it was for eating his lunch. He said Sami's mother gave it to him; Sami's mother works in the cafeteria, helping the boys and girls with their lunches. He put on Nanaw's glasses, and Nanaw took pictures of Chase with glasses and the red heart.

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