Thursday, May 7, 2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020

On Thursday at at-home school, Chase and Nanaw concentrated on working on Chase's homework assignments that have to be turned in to Mrs. Meyer on Friday. The assignments included three pages of cursive handwriting practice, the May journal entry and answers to the questions for the reading assignment. They got everything done! Yay! Nanaw took pictures of all the homework assignments and she'll send them to Mrs. Meyer tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, Chase and Nanaw will work on catching up on his math. He has about eight pages to do. They'll also do morning work, reading, subtraction and maybe some workbooks. Today Chase told Nanaw he was having trouble with the laptop and had to turn it off multiple times (and yes, he used the work multiple). When Nanaw looked at the laptop, she discovered Chase had six versions of Roblox open. So she closed them, and everything worked fine. Chase is having trouble concentrating on at-home school but Nanaw understands how difficult this all is for him. Plus, the only thing he wants to do is play on the laptop. Nanaw will need to try to wean him off so much screen time but that will be difficult. Maybe having him be on vacation for a week will help with that. When he comes back from vacation, Nanaw will plan things for them to do each day that don't involved the computer.

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