Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

On Wednesday morning, Mama sent Nanaw a picture of Chase posing with Daddy by the swimming pool. Chase had his big smile, as usual. Later in the day, Mama sent a picture of Chase in the pool with the cousins, doing cannonballs. Then in the afternoon, she sent a picture of her and Chase both wearing Jack Skellington tee shirts. Mama said Uncle Stan was grilling 10 pounds of chicken wings for dinner. Yum! Mama was going to make chicken strips for the kids. Nanaw went over to Chase's house in the afternoon to get more treats for Sam and Sylvester. They were running out of treats and were on short rations and knew it and weren't happy about it. So Nanaw brought in the mail and got two more bags of treats. Grandma Pat was up, and they had a nice chat. Earlier in the day, Brady and Emma's grandma texted Nanaw that their mom went back to work today and she was taking care of them again. Nanaw tried to take Sam for the first walk but Sylvester wouldn't let them out of the house, so Nanaw took both of them at the same time for the first time. It didn't go too badly. After the walk, Sylvester sat down on the driveway and wouldn't go in the house -- it was very funny. Nanaw cleaned off the front porch and asked Uncle Mike if he had an extra green UMSL outdoor chair for Chase to sit in. He said he did and would bring when he came tomorrow to cut the grass and plant Nanaw's Mother's Day plants.

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