Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Nanaw had a wonderful day on Tuesday with Chase, their first day of summer vacation. Chase played on the laptop for a little while Tuesday morning. Chase and Nanaw planted the green pepper plants and the cucumber plants Nanaw bought last night at Home Depot; Chase did a lot of watering and so did Nanaw. They checked out the sandbox and discovered that Chase will probably be able to play in it; he says he will tomorrow. Then they had the first day of summer school. Chase did lots of work, including morning work, Spring Prep, three of the new pages from Mrs. Meyer (Nanaw calls them the fancy pages and will do so from now on), handwriting practice, subtraction flashcards and subtraction problems. Chase also watched Room 9 on Channel 9 while he ate his lunch. When school was done, Chase and Nanaw had a lot of fun playing with the kinetic sand. Nanaw thinks that tomorrow they'll play in the water at the sink. After kinetic sand, Chase and Nanaw drove to the library to return all of Mama's books and Nanaw's CDs in the drop box. When they got home, Chase played for a little while on the laptop; then it was time to take him home. Nanaw was happy that she was able to limit his time on the laptop, and she will try to do that this summer by playing with him and finding all kinds of things they can do together.

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