Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Chase got a lot of school work done on Tuesday. He did morning work, six pages of math (completing all the math assignments), two pages of handwriting practice, and reading the religion chapter and answering the questions. The only assignment that he has left is writing the five sentences and drawing a picture for his May journal entry. Chase was playing a new Roblox game today called Sky Block, and he convinced Nanaw to play with him. Unfortunately, Nanaw still doesn't play Roblox very well so Chase had to help her a lot. He is so into Roblox and with such enthusiasm. Nanaw worries about him playing so much on the computer but it doesn't seem to do anything bad to him so maybe it will be all right. In the evening, Daddy and Chase worked on the Lego Challenge assignment that Chase has to turn in by Friday. They built a bridge -- the assignment was to build a bridge from one side of a town to the other. Mama's part was to find figures to cross the bridge. She also found the Lego alligator and put him under the bridge. LOL. She sent Nanaw two pictures of the bridge.

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