Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Another cold day and winter coats for Chase and Nanaw even though it's the first day of spring. Chase and Nanaw were running late, and the bell rang as they were hurrying down the hall. When Nanaw picked Chase up, she asked Chase whether the class went on the field trip to release the birds but both Chase and Mama said that was supposed to be Wednesday, not Tuesday. And later Mama sent Nanaw an e-mail from the principal giving the details about the field trip on Wednesday. Nanaw will ask Mrs. Herrmann about volunteering in class on Wednesday -- probably not but maybe they need help on the field trip. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the post office, to the tax office where Chase got lots of candy, to the cemetery, to get gas, then to the library where Chase of course went to the "bending machine." Nanaw got to keep Chase for an extended time while Mama took a nap (she has a sinus infection and still doesn't feel well) and Daddy went bowling. Chase asked Nanaw to get out the Lincoln Logs for him to play with. Twice he made houses all by himself -- he did a great job, and Nanaw was very impressed. Chase and Nanaw had a fire and a candle while they ate dinner. Then Nana gave Chase a bath and took him home.

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