Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

When Chase got to school on Tuesday morning, Mrs. Neff asked if he had gotten any pumpkins at Pumpkin Blossom Hill on Monday. Chase said, yes, he'd gotten two pumpkins. Nanaw told Mrs. Neff she got a pumpkin also and that it was extremely reasonably priced at $5.00. Nanaw picked Chase up from school, and he told her that he played with Will, Andrew and Mattie at first recess (all from the other first grade class). Chase said they played a game on Will's watch. Then Chase said, "And the watch isn't a toy." At the third recess, Chase played kickball with Andrew, Bryce and Grady. He told Nanaw, "We kicked the other team's butts." Nanaw told him he shouldn't say that, and Chase said that Henry said it. But then he said he would use head instead of butt and say, "We kicked the other team's heads. Funny guy. At home, Chase found a caterpillar in the rock garden in front of the house. Mama and Daddy asked if he wanted to put it in the caterpillar house but Chase said no. He said he was afraid that it would die like the other two caterpillars did. So Daddy put it in the plants around the tree in the front yard. Chase was very excited about using one of the bath bombs Mama bought yesterday. He used the blue one, and it made the water blue. Mama sent Nanaw a picture of Chase in his Halloween jammies (skeleton with candy corn in his tummy), holding Jack Skellington. Very cute.

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