Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Chase wore his skeleton jammies last night and to Nanaw's house. Chase and Nanaw went into the bathroom and turned off the light so Nanaw could see them glow in the dark. Then Nanaw took a picture of the jammies; the skeleton had candy corn in his tummy -- very cute. Today was a "dress-down" day at Chase's school so he wore a blue tee shirt and blue shorts. Mama said some of the older kids had won something and that's why it was a dress-down day. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he did his unusual thing again, where he told Nanaw they had to go a different way before they went to the car. He led Nanaw over to where the statue is. He climbed behind the bushes and picked up a drawing that he'd evidently left there earlier in the day. He said other kids left drawings also but he couldn't or wouldn't give Nanaw any of their names. The drawing was of puffins; one was dressed in a Halloween pumpkin costume. There was also a duck in the picture. Such a mystery! After school, Nanaw put up her Halloween decorations. Mama had insisted that it was past time to do it. Nanaw asked Chase if he wanted to do with her but he was in his room watching Chase TV. In the evening, Mama tried Chase's Jack Skellington Halloween costume on him. She said he said it was comfy. She took a picture of Chase in the costume and sent it to Nanaw.

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