Saturday, November 3, 2018

Rockbridge Weekend -- Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 2, 3 and 4, 2018

This was the annual Rockbridge weekend fishing trip with Mama, Daddy, Chase, Sam, Uncle Mike, aunt Becky and Nanaw. It was a wonderful weekend and everybody had a great time. Before they left, Mama asked Chase what was his favorite thing about Rockbridge and he said, "Breakfast!" Funny boy but he's right. The food is one of the main attractions of Rockbridge. The left about 9 on Friday morning and stopped at Panera in Rolla, as usual. They didn't get to visit with Natalie because she was working . They got to Rockbridge around 1 and had a delicious lunch before Daddy, Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky went fishing. Mama, Chase and Sam went for a long, delightful walk. Dinner was delicious also -- Chase eats really well at Rockbridge. Mama and Chase went fishing on Saturday and had fun but neither one caught a fish. The highlight of the day was the Bingo game. Mama had bought prizes at Dollar Tree, and it was an excellent game. Everybody won at least one game except Nanaw. But Mama gave Nanaw one of her prizes: an owl ornament. On Sunday, Chase and Nanaw played Words with Friends, and both had a super time playing. Now they have a new thing to do together. Mama bought Chase a stuffed chickadee, and Nanaw bought one for Chase also. Nanaw bought a new walking stick for herself because she couldn't find her old one. Nanaw also bought Rockbridge shirts for Mama, Daddy, Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky as part of their Christmas presents. Nanaw thought it was one of the best Rockbridge trips ever!

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