Friday, June 28, 2019

Friday, June 28, 2019

Nanaw was so excited to go on a day of adventures with Mama and Chase on Friday. Mama had the day off from work. The first place they went was Soulard Market for Mama to buy fruit. It had been decades since Nanaw visited Soulard Market with Pawpaw. Nanaw used it in one of the first books she wrote -- Night Woods. She also used a column she read in the newspaper about how the columnist adopted a kitten from Soulard. The whole place was very impressive, filled with all kinds of fruits and vegetables and bread and meat and everything you can think of. Mama bought Chase a huge cube of Rice Krispy Treats; she bought a cronut for herself. Nanaw bought herself a gluten-free gooey butter cake that is absolutely delicious. The parking meters were fascinating to Chase and Nanaw. There's like a main one and you put in the number of the space where you're parked. Very interesting. On the way home, Mama took a short detour to make sure she's knows where to take Chase for his swimming lesson on Monday. They took the fruit home and then continued on the rest of their adventure. They went to Dollar Tree for popsicles and ring pops for Chase's baseball team. Next they went to Rural King and enjoyed the delicious free popcorn. Next was Walmart and the to Arby's for lunch for Mama and Chase. Nanaw had two bags of Rural King popcorn so she didn't want any lunch.

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