Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

When Nanaw took Chase to school on Wednesday, his school room was extremely warm. The boys and girls were talking about it being so warm, and Mrs. Meyer laughed and said she was messing with the AC and somehow turned on the heat. She was hoping it would cool off soon. Very funny. When Nanaw picked Chase up, he announced first thing that he'd forgotten his water bottle. Nanaw said she would give him another one for tomorrow and pick up today's water bottle when she dropped him off. He told Nanaw he drew a picture for Mama of a fox and a snake but that it was surprise and they couldn't tell her what it was. (She was delighted with the picture when he gave it to her.) He got a 3 on his spelling test (that's the highest grade), and his printing was excellent, the best Nanaw had ever seen. Nanaw had put Play Dough, Slime and the Paw Patrol track on the kitchen counter for her and Chase to play with when they got home. They had to throw away a lot of the Play Dough because it got all dried out. They're going to go to Walmart and buy more Play Dough and also the purple Kinetic Sand. Chase played at the kitchen counter for a long while and only a few minutes on the laptop -- which is Nanaw's plan for them to do other things instead of just the laptop. Mama found the missing Secret Life dogs Max and Duke -- one was caught in the stuffed animal net and the other one was under the bed.

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