Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Chase and Daddy went to church on Sunday morning. Mama fixed chili and cornbread for dinner and dinner and invited Nanaw over for dinner. The dinner was delicious, and Nanaw really enjoyed it. Mama sent leftover chili and cornbread home with Nanaw. In the evening they did their annual driving around Columbia to look at Christmas lights. They went to the Wernings subdivision, Lakeside, then Hunter's subdivision and Brellinger. Hunter's house had really cool candy canes lining the driveway. Wernings was really good. Brellinger was good but not as elegant as the expensive houses there. Next, they went to both Gederns, which were very good. Then they went into Columbia and drove around the streets there. They went to Brady's house but his lights weren't on, They'd been to Joyce's house for dinner and got home shortly after the Southerlands and Nanaw drove by, according to texts between Mama and Brady's mom. Next, they went to the house across the street from the library; it's one of the most decorated houses in town. To end their tour, they went to the grand finale house in Chase's subdivision. Nanaw said this was the greatest light tour ever. On her way home, Nanaw drove through her own subdivision and saw that Chase's teacher's house, next to his friend Will's house. She has racing lights outlining all her doors and windows -- totally awesome.

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