Thursday, December 15, 2022

Thursday, December 15, 2022

When Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Thursday, morning, she was still hoping that Chase would go to school. But he kept coughing and coughing so it was better for him to stay home. Later in the morning, Mama called and said she thought she should take him to the doctor. She picked him up from Nanaw's house at 10 a.m. and told Nanaw to go do her grocery shopping while they were gone. Nanaw also went to he library, the post office, the bank, the gas station and the cemetery. Nanaw hadn't done those things the past few days because it kept raining. Nanaw was glad to get all her errands done. Chase doesn't  have flue, Covid or strep throat the doctor says. He got a flu shot an Mama said they had to get a second nurse in there to hold him while the other nurse gave him the shot. Nanaw picked Chase up about 1 p.m., and they went back to Nanaw's house to work on his homework that Mama had picked up from school. There was a lot of it -- studying for a Monday science test, reading questions, and a six-page math packet about owning your own movie theatre. They got everything done except studying for a Monday science test. They can do that tomorrow afternoon or Saturday or Sunday. Mama limited Chase's computer and tablet time, and he wasn't happy about that. 

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