Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Daddy took Chase to running club on Thursday morning at the big park. Nanaw picked him up at 8:45, and then they went to Schnuck's to get Nanaw's daily newspaper. Chase's plan was for them to go to La Fiesta for lunch. Nanaw suggested that they leave at 11 but Chase said that was too early so they settled on 11:30. Chase was so cute at the restaurant, explaining everything to Nanaw. He'd been there lots with Mama and Daddy but Nanaw had never been there before. Chase said Nanaw should order some cheese dip to go with their chips and salsa. He directed Nanaw to the a la carte part of the menu where the cheese quesadillas were listed. Chase decided to have one cheese quesadilla, and Nanaw said she would order two, and Chase could have part of her second one if he wanted. He ordered a bottle of red Mexican soda that has a j in it that's pronounced like an h. Chase had a big piece of Nanaw's second quesadilla, and she ate the rest. The quesadillas were delicious, and Nanaw wants to have them again. After they finished the quesadillas, Chase kept eating the chips and cheese dip. Nanaw loved their lunch adventure, and they'll go back there again. In the afternoon in school, they did their math the new way where Chase tells Nanaw how to do the problems, and it works really well. Nanaw is looking forward to doing it that way when school starts in August. Chase was supposed to have a hockey lesson Friday afternoon with Dakota, the hockey coach at DeSmet, but Mama texted to tell her that the lesson was cancelled. 

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