Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Chase's baseball team had a game this afternoon at the Affton fields, but unfortunately his team lost the game. For dinner, they had Chinese food. Then Nanaw came over to visit with Chase when she got back from the little house. Chase went outside to practice his hitting and his bat swings. Nanaw came out to watch him. Daddy started a fire in the firepit, and Mama burned lots bills and copies of other papers she didn't want to put in the trash. Daddy pitched to Chase and coached him on how to swing the bat and where to keep his head as he was swinging the bat. Daddy suggested that Chase could do some bat swinging practice at Nanaw's house -- just swinging the bat 25 times and not hitting any balls. Chase used his metal bat from this year and also his new bat. He loves baseball but wishes he could get to pitch more. He hasn't had any pitching lessons lately but he's been having hitting lessons regularly. Mama, Daddy and Nanaw sat outside talking for a while, and Chase went inside to his room to watch TV and play with his phone. Nanaw went in to say good-bye to him when she left.

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