Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday turned out to be quite a confusing day. Nanaw took Chase to running club at Metter Park at 7:30 a.m. Back at home, she discovered that the battery on the Escape was dead. So after she picked Chase up from running club at 8:45, she called Triple A. They came out and jumped the battery. The Triple A guy said Nanaw needed a new battery so Nanaw went to Dobbs, and they put in a new battery at no charge because the battery was still under warranty. While Nanaw was at Dobbs, Chase sent her a series of texts about making oobleck, Dr. Seuss's gooey mixture of corn starch, water, and food coloring. Then Chase texted that it hadn't gone well. He used all the corn starch (two containers) and made a mess of the kitchen. Nanaw laughed out loud in Dobbs' waiting room when she read the texts. When Nanaw got home, she saw what a mess the kitchen was, with corn starch everywhere. Nanaw wished she had taken a picture of the kitchen. Nanaw cleaned everything up and told Chase she would buy more corn starch so they could try again.

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