Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Mama picked Chase up from Nanaw's house on Sunday morning at 8:30 to take him to church. He was scheduled to be a server. Daddy had gone golfing with Uncles Chris, George and Chuck so he couldn't take Chase to church so Mama did. After church, Chase and Mama did errands, like getting gas and going to Target for another water gun for Chase. One of his water guns got lost yesterday at Joey's party so Mama bought him a replacement. When their errands were done, they went to Mama's favorite fast food place: Arby's. Mama was excited that they'd brought back potato cakes for a while. Mama loves their potato cakes and was sad when they discontinued them. Nanaw came over for dinner -- lazy lasagna and garlic cheese bread. After dinner, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs and played balloon volleyball and then just threw some balls around. Next, Chase went into the blue room and played the keyboard for Nanaw. Mama came downstairs and told Chase that Joey's mom had let her know that Joey would  be at running club tomorrow, for the first time. He's been at camp. Mama said that later in the evening, two of Chase's friends, Cole and Hunter, came over to play with him. Mama said Chase sounded really happy to see his friends and play with them. 

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