Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

It looked like rain on Wednesday morning so Chase and Nanaw didn't go for their walk. And sure enough, it started to rain and rained on and off during the day. This was very good for Nanaw's grass and flowers and tomatoes and cucumbers. Nanaw had an appointment in the middle of the day at St. Clare hospital, and Chase stayed by himself. That always worries Nanaw because she doesn't want anything to happen to him but Mama says he's old enough and responsible enough to take are of himself by himself for a couple of hours. School was only an hour today because Daddy was going to pick Chase up for a meeting with the coach of the Bears baseball team. Chase might be changing baseball teams if he can get the chance to pitch more. Nanaw just had the idea that maybe tomorrow they'll have an hour of school and an hour of gong through the huge stack of papers from 6th grade to see if there are any they want to keep. They'll not do the reading but they'll do math in the 6th grade book, some pages in the summer book, flash cards, capitals, and maybe some of the language pages if there's any time left. On Friday, Chase has a hockey lesson with Dakota at the Meramec Sharks ice rink on Lemay Ferry at noon. Chase's 25 black rats came today after he'd already left so Nanaw sent a picture of them to Chase and Mama.

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