Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Because of Chase's baseball tournament, Daddy and Chase couldn't go to church on Sunday. Chase's team did very well in the Sunday games.  The tournament was moved from Alton to Bridgeton, which was a little closer for them to drive. The team won their first game by the astounding score of 23 to 0. They won the second game 9 to 8.  Unfortunately, they lost the third game, the championship game, and the tournament, 12 to 0. But they did well the first two games. and the boys had lots of fun. Mama, Daddy and Chase got home from the tournament about eight o'clock, and Nanaw came over to visit. She brought new treats for Sam, Sly, and Tyler, and they seemed very happy about that. Chase and Nanaw went downstairs so Chase could play on his VR, and Nanaw could watch him on the Meta Quest app on Chase's phone. Nanaw still could not get the app to open on her phone. Nanaw left around 9 p.m. when it was time for Chase's shower.

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