Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Nanaw and Chase had planned to have lunch at La Fiesta today, with both of them planning to get cheese quesadillas. Nanaw has never had a quesadilla but Chase gets them all the time and loves them. For some reason, Chase decided to reschedule the La Fiesta lunch to Friday. Then Mama reminded them that Chase has a hockey lesson with Dakota at 2:30 in the afternoon on Friday. So Chase changed his mind again and said they'll go to their La Fiesta lunch tomorrow, Thursday. Chase has running club at the big park at 7:30 on Thursday morning, and Daddy said he would take him. In the afternoon, Nanaw went to the County library to get Slugfest, the book that Alexa is reading to them. They listened to Alexa reading Slugfest for about half and hour, then worked on math problems from Chase's 6th grade math textbook. Nanaw came up with a new way to work with Chase on math. Yesterday, they worked the problems together with Nanaw taking the lead. Today, Nanaw had the idea to have Chase take the lead and tell Nanaw how to do the problems. And it seemed to work really well so Nanaw is going to do math with Chase that way from now on. Chase did his state capitals, a vocabulary assignment in the summer book and other assignments in the summer book. Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky came over in the afternoon to put in a new screen door in Nanaw's upper deck sliding door. It turned out wonderfully, and Nanaw was very happy. It was a great day with Chase, and Nanaw really enjoyed it.

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