Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Chase is still at hockey camp, and Nanaw still misses him lots. He gets out early on Friday, around noon, so Nanaw is glad about that. Nanaw was very happy that the stuffed cicada she ordered from Amazon for Chase's half-birthday arrived today. When Chase got to Nanaw's house in the late afternoon, she told him that the cicada had arrived but that he couldn't have it till his half-birthday. He asked if he could see the cicada, and Nanaw couldn't resist him, especially when he did his sweet little whimper. He loves the cicada, and pretended he was sleeping on him. Nanaw said he should think of a name, and he thought for awhile and then came up with a name. He named the cicada Charlie, with the nickname of Chuck. Nanaw wishes that the plastic cicadas would arrive soon so that they get here by June 20, Chase's half-birthday. Chase had a baseball game tonight at 8. His baseball season will be over July 15. It was supposed to be over by the end of June but because of all the rained- out games, the season was extended. When Nanaw went to the bank today, the lady that's a friend to her and Chase, made sure Chase got a sucker, as he has for years.

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