Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Soon Chase will be done with hockey camp, and Nanaw will have her best friend back. On Friday, he only has a half day of camp, and Nanaw gets him the other half. Then he has a baseball game in the evening. Nanaw is happy about the extra time. The class list for the next school year came out today, and Mama emailed a copy to Nanaw. Mama was concerned that Chase was going to be upset because his best friend is in the other class. So she was going to wait to tell him till later. Chase has a group of five friends he calls the guys, and the six of them hang out a lot and do a very active group text messaging. Three of the group are in one seventh grade class, and the other three are in the other class. Hopefully, they'll still get to hang out together. Nanaw doesn't know if the two classes eat lunch together but she hopes they do. When Chase got to Nanaw's house, he played with Marc Andre and Nanaw's stuffed animals on the kitchen floor. He wanted to play with his new cicada named Charlie, and Nanaw couldn't resist his request so Charlie was right there in the middle of things. Chase had an eight o'clock baseball game tonight so Nanaw didn't have to have him home till 5:30.

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