Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020

When they were leaving Chase's house on Thursday morning, Chase asked Nanaw if they were going right home or if they were going on an adventure. Nanaw said they were going right home, and Chase was happy about that. Then he started talking about Roblox games. He kept talking and talking and Nanaw stood by his car door listening. When Nanaw told Mama about Chase talking and talking, Mama said, "And who do you think he gets that from?" Ha, ha -- Nanaw knows it comes from Mama. Chase and Nanaw got all of the schoolwork done today; Chase was speedy because he wanted to watch one of his YouTube buddies live stream. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw went to the Telegraph Road library to get books for Mama. Nanaw took along her list of the  books Mama has read and used the list to help her pick out books. Chase didn't want any books and refused to let Nanaw check out any books for him. When he got home, Chase was very happy to see that Daddy had gotten his pool out and filled it up. Daddy has the day off tomorrow, and he and Chase are going to play golf. Nanaw will have Chase for a little while in the morning, and Nanaw is happy about that.

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