Monday, August 24, 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

Chase brought Hedgy amd Hedgy's house with him with he came to Nanaw's house on Monday morning an Nanaw took pictures of them. Chase is doing better at getting out of Nanaw's car at the school drop-off, with his backpack and water bottle. Nanaw went to the church again today and miraculously managed to fix the email. She's not quite sure what she did but it worked. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he came running toward her and gave her a hug. That made Nanaw very happy. On the way home from school, they went to Dollar Tree where they bought a blue hedgehog and a gray hedgehog, a recorder and a black flower with an eyeball in it. When they got home, they picked some green beans and basil, and Nanaw microwaved them. It all tasted pretty good. Chase also picked a few grapes, which were delicious. Then they checked Chase's ICS email, and Nanaw printed out some of the pages. Chase brought home a book from school that he's already read, and he's supposed to read 15 more minutes in tonight. Tomorrow he'll have a test about the book and that will help determine his reading level. 

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