Saturday, August 22, 2020

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Saturday morning while she did her grocery shopping at Schnuck's.  First, Chase and Nanaw played baseball out in the front yard. They had lots of fun playing and having Chase coach Nanaw on how to hold the bat and how to hit the ball. Chase practiced his pitching while Nanaw watered the plants and bushes. Next, they went into the house and played hockey in the hall. That was a lot fun for them also. Then they did some reading. Chase read in the Answers book and Nanaw read in the Questions book from the library. Daddy was playing golf on Saturday so Chase and Mama spent the day together. They were supposed to go play miniature golf but Chase decided he wanted to play baseball with Mama instead. After baseball, they went to Burger King for lunch, then snuggled with Chase's stuffed animals. They did more snuggling while Mama's Fitbit charged and then they played more baseball. Mama was hitting off the tee and she said she hit two good ones off the tee. She wants to use the tee from now on. Chase named her MVP for the day. In the evening, Chase and Mama put on the glow sticks from 4th of July.

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