Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Mama, Chase and Nanaw had a major adventure on Tuesday, the day before Chase goes back to school. Mama took the day off from work for the adventure. First, they went to Cliff Cave Park. They walked on the path along the river. It was a beautiful walk and a beautiful day. Then they walked on another path that led to an overlook. Mama went almost all the way, but Chase and Nanaw stopped to rest. When Mama came back, she took them up a little way to see the actual Cliff Cave. Next, they went to Schnuck's to get fried chicken for lunch at Chase's house. Mama went to Schnuck's, and Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar Tree. Chase got another bear for the quadruplets so they're now the quintuplets. Nanaw picked out a hedgehog and a cute little puppy. Chase got another gun, a blue ball, a strawberry squishy ball and a paddle ball. Mama got chicken for Daddy also. Lunch was delicious. After lunch, they went off for the rest of their adventure. First, they went to Bee Tree Park. The playground is closed because of the pandemic. They took a walk around the lake and took pictures of Chase and Mama and Nanaw. And finally, they drove through Suson Park, where the playground was also closed. It was a wonderful adventure, for sure.

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