Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Chase and Nanaw played baseball outside again on Wednesday. He's a really good hitter -- Nanaw will have to decide whether she's going to his baseball game on Thursday. School was at the end of the day instead of the morning on Wednesday. Nanaw had to drop a check off at church in the morning but unfortunately no one was at the church. So Nanaw ill try again on Thursday morning. Tomorrow is cleaning lady day so Chase and Nanaw will do school downstairs on Thursday. They found out today that Room 9 didn't end on July 31 like the newspaper said it was going to. Nanaw and Chase were excited about that, and they'll be sure to watch it on Thursday. In school in the afternoon, Nanaw noticed that Chase seems to do better in reading and spelling and words than he does in math. He's not bad in math but he still hasn't really learned his addition and subtraction tables despite five months of practice. Nanaw isn't sure why that is but she'll keep trying.

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