Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Mama and Daddy decided that Chase wouldn't be going to the birthday party next Saturday because of his cough. Nanaw was happy about that. Mama invited Nanaw over for Italian beef and Caesar salad for Sunday dinner. It was all yummy. After dinner, Chase and Nanaw went outside to play baseball. It was rather chilly out there so Nanaw went to her car to get her fleece jacket. She didn't zip it up because of her phone pouch on her belt. Chase asked Nanaw if that was her jacket, and she said yes. He asked her if she wanted him to zip it up. Nanaw said no, thank you. It was so funny and so cute. Chase is the most delightful person there is! Mama came outside after she finished the dishes and played baseball with Chase and Nanaw. After outside baseball, they went inside and played Chase's new table top baseball game that Daddy bought for Chase for remembering to bring his reading book home for a week. Nanaw is not very good at he game but Mama was on her team so they only lost 7 to 6 instead of 7 to 0. After table top baseball, they all went into the living room. Chase got out Mama's puppy massagers (neck and feet), and Mama, Nanaw and Chase all played with them. It was lots of fun.

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