Thursday, October 29, 2020

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Forgetful Nanaw had the wrong time set on her alarm. So Mama and Chase showed and Nanaw just got out of bed when she heard Mama's car door. But everything worked out all right. Chase got dressed and ate breakfast and got to school on time. He wore his baseball uniform as his Halloween costume for school. He told Nanaw the reason that he didn't want to wear his Thanos costume was because he couldn't wear the Thanos mask -- and that's what makes the costume. Yesterday Chase told Nanaw that Ms. Kennedy made Pumpkin Pie in a Bag for the class. Chase said it was really good and he liked it. He had the recipe but recycled it. So Nanaw Googled it and found the recipe. She printed out a copy for Mama and copy for herself. At the grocery store today, she bought the ingredients for the Pumpkin Pie in a Bag. After school, Chase and Nanaw made the Pumpkin Pie in a Bag for each of them. They had a lot of fun doing it. And the Pumpkin Pie in a Bag was delicious -- they both agreed. Tomorrow Chase is off from school and Mama is off from work so they're going to have an adventure at Stuckmeyer's and Dollar Tree and the meat market in Millstadt. 

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