Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Today was Chase's first day of summer vacation with Nanaw, and Nanaw was very excited about it. After breakfast, Chase wanted to do a taste test with cheese crackers against peanut butter crackers. Peanut butter won. Chase suggested that they split up the two hours of school, and Nanaw agreed. It turned out to be a really good suggestion. Chase did 30 minutes of AR / library reading program reading in the morning, which means he's really doing 2 1/2 hours of school but Nanaw isn't going to tell him that. He had a healthy lunch of a ham and cheese sandwich, broccoli and chocolate milk. The first hour of school went perfectly. Nanaw prepared schoolwork for what she thought would take Chase two hours to complete. But he got almost all of it done in one hour. They studied the multiplication flash cards, pages from his Spanish notebook, grammar workbook worksheets, a crossword puzzle using pronouns, and long division problems. Chase has had an ear ache (swimmer's ear, probably for the past couple of days, and it seemed to get worse as they were starting the second hour of school. He finally agreed to go to the doctor tomorrow so Mama is going to call and get an appointment tomorrow. Nanaw gave Chase some Tylenol for kids, and that seemed to help. But 20 minutes before the second hour of school was over, he asked if they could have early dismissal so he could go rest, and Nanaw agreed. During that first hour, he retook the math test where he got off track with the answers, putting the answers in the wrong place. This time, he got everything correct. Mama and Daddy came to pick Chase up at 4:45 to take him to his baseball game. Nanaw wasn't going because she thought it would be too hot but it turned out that it wasn't that hot after all, and she wished she had gone. 

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