Thursday, October 26, 2023

Friday, October 27, 2023

Mama told Nanaw that last night Chase asked if he could have a sleepover with Nanaw on Friday night. Nanaw was so excited about that because Chase had never requested a sleepover before. Mama said he had to be in bed, asleep, by 10:30. (Unfortunately, Nanaw sometimes lets him stay up till 11 or later. Mama said he has a hockey game on Saturday, and if he doesn't get enough sleep, he's sluggish and doesn't play well. )On Friday, Mama and Daddy were off work so in the morning, they all went to the Zoo. They went to see the lemurs twice, and Mama said they were very active. They also went to see the seals and the penguins. In the gift shop, Chase and Mama picked out a small lemur for Nanaw -- just like Lars and Dylan. Chase named him Waino for the Cardinals' pitcher Adam Wainwright. They had a wonderful time at the Zoo. In the afternoon, Chase's friend Hunter came over to play video games. Mama said they were really loud, as usual. They dropped Hunter off on their way over to Nanaw's house for his sleepover. For a while, after he got there, Chase played knee hockey in the hall with his lemurs and Nanaw's lemurs. Chase's lemurs won, of course. For dinner, Chase and Nanaw went to Sonic for Chase's usual pretzel twists, mozzarella sticks and a Sonic blast. Nanaw got some onion rings to eat with the Tiny Tacos she got from the Jack in the Box in Washington, on the way home from the little house. Chase played with his Playmobil while watching the World Series. Then at nine, the Blues hockey game was on, and he watched that. As Mama directed, Chase was in bed and asleep at 10:30.

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