Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

Once again, Chase and Nanaw changed their plans for the day. Instead of going to the bank and Faust Park (now planned for Monday, no changes this time), they went to Walmart to get Nanaw’s oil changed. Her low tire pressure light had gone on so she decided to get the oil changed a little early because they check the tire pressure. Chase rode horsey and Elmo, of course. It took longer than expected, so that’s why the plans changed. On the way home, Chase and Nanaw stopped by the vet’s office. As soon as they pulled into the parking lot, Chase said "Fishies," referring to the goldfish acquarium in the vet’s office. It was so smart of him to recognize the vet’s parking lot. In the evening, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to Uncle Mike’s house so Chase could go swimming – and eat Aunt Becky’s home-made pizza. In addition to swimming in the cold pool, Chase ran around Uncle Mike’s back yard and got to see Natalie’s hedgehog named Napoleon. Daddy was at Uncle George’s graduation dinner and ceremony.

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