Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Monday, April 23, 2018

Poor Chase had diarrhea on Monday morning so he couldn't go to school. He and Nanaw had a good day together. They played downstairs with Chase's Thomas trains and with the dollhouse and dolls. Nanaw set up a work area for Chase on the dining room table, with paper, scissors, crayons, glue sticks, hole punch and workbooks. Nanaw sat with Chase while he drew pictures and cut them out and then glued them to other pieces of paper. Nanaw was sorry that he couldn't go to school because he likes it so much. Nanaw discovered she didn't have any long play pants for Chase so he had to wear his school uniform pants until they went over to Chase's house to get clothes. Nanaw took a picture of Chase, Sam and Tyler in the Gascar chair and sent it to Mama, titling it "Three of your four boys." When Nanaw took Chase home, he told her that he was going to ask Daddy to buy him some catcher gear -- so cute. He wanted Daddy to go outside and play baseball with him but Mama and Daddy didn't think that was such a good idea because he'd been sick.

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