Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

When Nanaw took Chase to school, they discovered that the desks in the classroom had been moved around. Mrs. Meyer says that happens every weekend. For a few minutes, Chase was sitting between Maria and Lizzie. On the way to school, Nanaw tried to get Alexa Auto to work but couldn't. Then on the way home, she tried again but no luck except for making phone calls. After they got home, Nanaw worked on it again and she thinks she finally got it to work. She'll test it out when she takes Chase home. Chase played baseball outside while Nanaw was working on Alexa. Chase played with the laptop while Nanaw worked on her computer. They both like computers a lot. Mama was taking Sam to the vet after she was done with work so she texted Nanaw when she got home and was ready for Nanaw to bring Chase home. Daddy had to work late so he wouldn't be there at 5:30 for Chase to come home. Mama said they should at least go to Walgreen's on black Friday so they could say they'd gone shopping.

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