Thursday, June 18, 2020

Thursday, June 18, 2020

When Nanaw got to Chase's house on Thursday morning, Mama, Daddy and Chase were in Chase's room looking for mad-face Jack and bag Jack but they couldn't find them. When Chase and Nanaw got to Nanaw's house, Nanaw looked in her bag of stuffed animals and there they were. Nanaw sent a picture of them to Mama so she wouldn't worry. For summer school work, Chase did the same thing today that he did yesterday: a page on telling time, morning work, subtraction problems, subtraction memorization, subtraction flashcards, addition flashcards, reading from the answers book and cursive handwriting practice. The only difference was that Mama sent along Cutie Bernie (the Christmas Elf dog) and his book, and after Chase did his reading, Nanaw read the book to him. Also, they forgot to do the subtraction flash cards so Chase did them on the drive home. Again, he really liked the Room 9 program with Mrs. Forth, and he said he has to wait three weeks to see her again. (The teachers rotate on a three-week basis.) In the afternoon, Chase played with the wading pool and seemed to have a good time with his water pistol and the hose.

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