Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Chase and Nanaw got all the schoolwork done today. Yay! Just in time for Room 9. Once again, Nanaw had Chase do a variety of things and that seemed to work out well. The other day when he was doing morning work, he said it was boring. So maybe doing the same type of thing every day isn’t good. Or maybe the work is too easy for him. The only things Nanaw wants to make sure he does every day are subtraction flashcards and addition flashcards. It's very important that he learns those. His favorite thing to do is reading. He likes the answers book, and he likes snuggling with his stuffed animals. Nanaw put a book on request from the library that's similar to the answers book, and Chase is looking forward to it. Nanaw fixed the rice cauliflower Mama bought at the grocery store but Chase didn't like. He took one bite, made a face, and said he didn't want to eat it. Nanaw tasted it, liked it and will eat it so it won't go to waste. In the evening, Nanaw knocked a flower arrangement off the coffee table and the lost Easter egg popped out of it. Nanaw texted Mama and she told Chase about it. He wanted to know if Nanaw ate the candy in the Easter egg. She texted back that no, of course she didn't. She was saving it for Chase.

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