Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Chase and Nanaw didn't get all of the school work done today so they'll work on it tomorrow. Chase really likes the reading part of schoolwork, reading out of the Answers book. Nana is going to try to find more books like that at the library. The library is open again, on a limited basis - -fewer hours, limited to 15 patrons and not all services are available. But at least it's open again -- yay! Chase hasn't been spending much of his half birthday Robux yet, which is a good thing. Nanaw likes him to stretch things out. Chase watched all of the Room 9 programs again today and was engrossed in them. He'll be sorry when it's over at the end of July. Tomorrow Nanaw will have Chase help her water the plants outside. The weather was cool today and will be tomorrow so no playing in the water and wading pool for Chase. Nanaw's nephew and niece and their sons bought a cabin cruiser and are up in Michigan bringing it home. Nanaw has to remember to show Chase the Facebook pictures of the boat and their trip. It's very exciting. They ran into rough weather and hunkered down in Charlevoix, Michigan. They said they're dry in their cozy cabin, listening to the rain on the hull, playing cards. Nanaw thinks that  sounds wonderful.

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