Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

When Chase came running out of school, he had his cool blue glasses on, and he looked so cute. He said the earpieces keep falling off and that he was going to ask Daddy to super glue them back on. Chase told Nanaw all the homework and studying he had to do when they got to Nanaw's house, and he made a plan. He had to finish answering history questions, do his AR reading, and do 10 minutes of practice writing. His teachers keep writing notes about his poor handwriting, telling him he has to do better. So Mama says he should do 10 minutes of practice writing every day after school. In addition to all of his homework and other studying, Chase said he wanted to do some science experiments. First, they did the one where you pour vinegar on baking soda to make it fizz. That was fun. The next experiment was making oobleck, which is sort of like slime. Chase used red and yellow food coloring to make the oobleck orange. Chase also made a birthday card for Sam for his 12th birthday. Nanaw thinks Chase did really well on his practice writing and answering the history questions; the writing was very legible. They took it home to Mama, and she said that Chase needs to make his capital letters larger and his lowercase letters smaller. But at least he's making progress and hopefully, his teachers will notice. 


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