Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Chase and Nanaw spent a quiet day at home, safe and warm. They made one venture out into the cold, to go to the cemetery. Chase and Nanaw spent much of the day playing with Chase’s car collection. Chase played for a long while in the deep bathtub with his cars – no water, of course. He brought along his DVD player and watched Cars 2 while playing with his cars. While he was playing with the cars in the tub, he put two plastic guns on the back of Mater to make a gun truck -- very funny and a little scary. They also played downstairs for awhile. In the afternoon, it began to snow and by the time Mama started for home, the snow was causing traffic problems. Mama had to reschedule her hair appointment in Florissant because she got stuck in traffic. Mama told Nanaw she would pick Chase up from Nanaw’s house on her way home but it took her two hours to get there. Chase and Nanaw built a fire while they were waiting for Mama. For awhile, they played with Chase’s cars in front of the fire.

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